Plagiarism policy
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work. Authors must not use the words, figures, or ideas of others without attribution. Within the academia, it is considered dishonesty or fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. All sources must be cited at the point they are used, and reuse of wording must be limited and be attributed or quoted in the text.
Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional, reproducing academic material without appropriate credit to the original authors. Similarly, self-plagiarism is the re-use of significant, identical or near identical portions of one’s own work without citing the original work. This is also known as Recycling fraud. Worst form of plagiarism is to steal the whole article from some journal and publish it under one’s own name in another journal. The Editorial Board of QUJECS will blacklist any author found to be guilty of plagiarism. The name of author(s) committing plagiarism will also be disseminated to editors of other administrative and economic journals.
We at QUJECS use Crossref Similarity Check (iThenticate) to detect submissions that overlap with published and submitted manuscripts. We check plagiarism for all the submitted articles before publishing. If the plagiarism is observed by editors or peer reviewers at any stage of publication process, it could be rejected based on the percentile of plagiarism occurred and it would be notified to author and may incur sanctions. QUJECS tolerate up till 15% plagiarism Scoring (based on iThenticate software check).
We request our authors to use a Plagiarism Checking software to check plagiarism prior to submission as a preliminary step, although they are not completely reliable.
However, for review papers the above may not directly applicable. Review papers are expected to give a summary of existing literature. Authors should use their own words with exception of properly quoted and/or cited texts and the work should include a new interpretation.